The main choir of the Light of the Gospel church.
A church choir is a group of singers who, through singing, fill the service with spiritual meaning, create an atmosphere of prayerful reverence and spiritual inspiration. It is the choir that creates a special mood. It helps convey the depth of the Holy Scripture, express joy, repentance and gratitude, uniting hearts in a single glorification of God. Music touches hearts in a way that words alone cannot.
The choir of the church “Light of the Gospel” has existed since its foundation and throughout all these years has been an integral part of the worship services. In recent years, the choir has been significantly renewed. Many young singers joined our choir, which has given fresh energy to the service. Today it has about 70 singers. Our choir strives to carefully combine the spiritual heritage of the past with the work of modern composers, paying special attention to the depth and significance of words, emphasizing the significance of biblical texts that underlie the choral hymns.
Past choir directors:
Yuri Solodyankin,
Nina Fedorovna Gordenko,
Alexander Skrobko,
Sergey Komarov,
Viktor Zherebnenko,
Vladimir Ignatyevich Khivrenko,
Galina Stepanova,
Nikolay Tarasyuk,
Tamara Golovina,
Vyacheslav Kleyonkin,
Mikhail Sobolev,
Viktor Zolnikov,
Vyacheslav Solodyankin,
Mila Gladkova.