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Vitaliy Boyko has been the senior pastor of “Light of the Gospel” church since 2014. He completed a master’s program in social work and worked for many years in the arbitration department of the Washington State Unemployment Office. Together with his wife, Alena, they have two sons. His life motto is: “Speak from the heart, and you will be heard with the heart.” His favorite Bible passage is Deuteronomy 10:12-13.

Sergey Kholostov was born in Kazakhstan into a large family with nine children. After his conversion, he became actively involved in church ministry. At the age of 21, he moved to America with his wife, Olga. They have three children. In 2007, he was ordained to the deacon Five years later, in 2012, he was ordained as a pastor. Currently, he serves as the assistant senior pastor, overseeing the youth ministry and the administrative department in the local church.

Alexander Sizov was born into the Sizov family as the eldest of seven children. Since 1999, he has been serving at “Light of the Gospel” church, where he was ordained as a deacon, fulfilling the roles of Bible School director and church administrator. In 2015, following God’s calling and the unanimous decision of the church, he accepted the pastoral ministry. He loves the Lord, the church, and the people he is called to serve. Together with his wife, Gala, he raised four children who are also dedicated to serving the Lord today. In 2024, the Lord called his wife to her eternal home, but his faith and trust in God remain steadfast and unshaken.
Sergey Krugly was born in 1972 in Ukraine. At the age of 21, he came to the Lord and soon felt called to the ministry of a preacher, missionary, and teacher. He studied at the Dobro Bible College (DRBC) and Irpin Biblical Seminary (IBS). In 2000, he was ordained as a deacon, and in 2022, as a pastor. Since 2019, he has served as the director of the Bible School, and since 2020, he has been the dean of the Alliance Bible Institute branch in Spokane. He is married, has six children and three grandchildren. His favorite Bible passage is Romans 12:1-2.
Mikhail Grishin was born on March 17, 1991, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. When he was a year and a half old, his family moved to the United States. He has lived in Spokane for most of his life. By God’s grace, he repented at the age of 18 and was baptized at 19. Since 2011, he has been a member of “Light of the Gospel” church. He loves the Lord and always strives to be useful in ministry. In 2018, he was ordained as a deacon, and in 2024, as a pastor. He is responsible for the small group ministry and the family ministry department at “Light of the Gospel” church. In 2015, he got married. Together with his wife, Yulia, he is raising five children—two daughters and three sons.
David Meroshnik has served as a deacon since 2022, and in 2024, he was ordained to the pastoral ministry. For nearly ten years, he has been actively involved in youth ministry. His favorite Bible verse is John 8:31-32: “If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” David loves the Lord and the Church and strives to be a faithful servant to those whom God has entrusted to him. He enjoys reading, spending time outdoors, and cherishes fellowship with family and friends. David is married to Yulia, and together they are raising three children: Mordecai, Irina, and Isaac.