Gospel Light Baptist Church, Spokane, WA
Senior Pastor: Vitaly Boyko
Pastors: Sergey Kholostov, Alexander Sizov, Sergey Krugly, Mikhail Grishin, David Meroshnik.
Our Vision:
To know God, to live by Him, and to bring the light of the Gospel to people.
Our goals and objectives
They are the same as those left for us by Christ and the apostles in the Holy Scriptures:
1. Keeping ourselves in the love of God and one another (John 13:35; Jude 1:21).
2. Constant personal sanctification (1 Pet. 1:15-16).
3. Knowing Christ and strengthening our faith (Phil. 3:7-8; Col. 2:7).
4. Prayer life (Col. 4:2).
5. Preaching the Gospel (Matt. 28:19,20).
6. Glorifying the Lord (1 Cor. 6:20; Heb. 13:15).
7. Waiting for the Coming of the Lord for His Church (Matt. 24:42; 1 Cor. 1:7).
Our Values
Simplicity and friendliness in communication. Faithfulness to the doctrines of the Word of God in preaching, service and life of church members. Striving for sanctification and fear of God. Sacrifice in spiritual and material service. Each member of the church should serve God with his spiritual gifts.
Different generations of the church
We believe and teach that there should be a close connection between the younger and older generations. Children, teenagers, young adults and young families have a special place in the development of our church. Their upbringing and support are given special attention because they will one day have to pass on the baton of ministry. However, middle and older age is no less important for our congregation. They are the ones who pass on experience and spiritually guide the church. Therefore, elders must be respected and listened to. Young and older members of the church need each other equally!
Church History
Our community was founded in 1993, and brother B.V. Shiva was elected as the first pastor. The very name of the church – “Light of the Gospel” – was suggested by brother Pavel Demyanik, for which we are very grateful to him. The church has acquired its first building in 1999.
From its foundation to the present day, the church’s pastors have been:
1. Boris Vladimirovich Shiva
2. Ivan Dmitrievich Skrobko
3. Vladimir Romanovich Tarasyuk
4. Veniamin Nikitovich Savinsky
5. Sergey Vladimirovich Kholostov
6. Vitaly Stepanovich Boyko
The Light of the Gospel church has over 750 members. It is a member of the Northwest Association of Baptist Churches in the USA. It actively cooperates with other Baptist congregations in Spokane and the region. All the main types of ministry are developed in the church: prayer, preaching, missionary, musical and choral, classes with children and teenagers, youth ministry, media, and many others. The credit for this, first of all, belongs to the Lord. It is He, through the Holy Spirit, who motivates the hearts of brothers and sisters to work and sacrifice themselves.